
2007年6月12日 星期二

Apple iPhone短期內將不開放第三方軟體安裝至手機中....

原本前幾天還一直看到網路上的一些消息說,Apple會開放第三方軟體(PS:也許真的是大家會錯意),結果今天謎底揭曉,Apple所謂的開放是說,開發人員可以透過Safari瀏覽器,開發更多更棒的Web2.0(嗯..Mobile2.0)的Ajax WEB服務。

Instead of allowing developers to install applications directly on the phone, Apple has opted for the more controlled environment of the Safari browser.

"[The Safari engine] gives us tremendous capability, more than has ever been in a mobile device. You can write amazing Web2.0 and Ajax applications that look exactly, and behave exactly like applications on the iPhone," said Jobs.


via vnunet
